Monday, April 21, 2014

India Itinerary

So here was the itinerary for India.  I was most excited by--all of it!  To get to India, I spent two days flying (22 hrs from SFO to Singapore, then 18 hrs layover in Singapore, then the 4 hour flight from Singapore to Bangalore, which was my first Indian destination).  It was a long haul for sure but Singapore will be uber cool as it is the number one airport in the world!  With swank napping areas (huge comfy easy boy chairs), private shower rooms, a rooftop pool (who doesn't feel like a dip after a long flight?), a butterfly sanctuary (umm, naturally!), a free tour of the city, yada yada.  So I will be getting a small taste of Asia before heading to India!!

Singapore (1 day)
Bangalore (5 days)-Wedding!
Kerala (3 days)
Goa (3 days)
Delhi (2 days)
Agra-Taj Mahal (1 day)
Jodhpur (2 days)
Udaipur (2 days)
Bundi (1 day)
Jaipur (2 days)

But first there is the packing.  Dear Lord.  I am notorious for taking over my entire living room for a month as a staging area for my luggage just to go for a week's visit to the parents in Florida.  I have travelled all over Europe with more shoes, dresses, jewelry and hats than one person can possibly wear in two months, let alone two weeks.  Even when I have packing aids, lists, friends to help guide me, it all goes to shite in the last hour when the taxi is coming and I just blindly panic, throwing in utensils, five different hair products, more jewelry, bath salts (I never have time at home for baths just showers!), three extra books and some knitting--all of which I won't even touch.

But this time is gonna be different.  This trip to India is forcing me to almost become, gasp, a backpacker! Noooooooo!  But I have to pack light cuz it's monsoon season and muggy and hot and I can't wear heels and I have to dress modestly in this very religious and conservative country and I can't be lugging around luggage and keep up with it all and not step in potholes and just die from sweat.  So I am minimizing.  I am taking my wheel carry-on and my tumi backpack and one day bag.  And that's it.  Oh and my cameras (yes they still make film!!!!!! you silly digital camera users!) and a first aid kit.  And that's it! Right! As per usual, I ended up taking too much stuff. Sigh.

Changi Airport in Singapore was a great transition zone.  I spent 18 hours there and loved it.  After my nap in the quiet zone areas on the comfy sofas, a nice private cabana-style shower, and a small purchase of tiger balm, I settled down at a Starbucks! with a nice cup of tea, plugged my phone in, and just relaxed.  There were foot massager chairs, the butterfly sanctuary, a free bus tour and a meditation room also!  I had a blast.

Butterfly Sanctuary, Changi Airport

Singapore Skyline
Singapore Bus Tour
(Look how refreshed I am after 22 hr. flight and 18 hrs. in an airport!  It won't last!)

Hello friends, it's been a while...

Well, since the first posting on this blog, I have been to India and back, many of my friends will already know my stories and will have seen my photos.  It's challenging to describe my experience there, as it was very visceral, both physically and emotionally.  I am still processing this trip, working out the mental kinks in reliving the majesty and tragedy that is India.  I went from five star highs to ground zero lows.  Yet no matter what my situation, dire or otherwise, I was always met with kindness.  Now that I have finished my Masters Thesis in Drama--writing about the lost plays of Harlem Renaissance writer Zora Neale Hurston (another post, another time!)--I can now focus on updating my journeywoman's blog.  In the following weeks, I will post a few paragraphs and select photos from each portion of the India trip.  I am not sure I will ever actually go back, but India will always be a part of me.  She deepens your soul. Next up:  Getting to India.